Lesson 2 – God Creates Adam and Eve

God has made us in His image, provides all things for our good, and makes us rulers over the earth and everything in it.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

This lesson will use the Bible and the Lesson 2 Leaflet from the Student Pack. The front cover shows how the artist sees Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Also paper and pencil will be needed.

Read the first article of the Apostle’s Creed and it’s meaning on the back of the leaflet. The first article covers creation.

This lesson is about the first man and woman that were created in the image of God. To help understand what is meant by “image”, watch the Skit Guys – The Skinny on Identity video.

The word image can mean a lot of different things. An image can be what we see such as seeing ourselves in a mirror, a photo, or picture, but it can also be a reputation or perception based on actions, appearances, abilities, or talents.

God Speaks

The Scripture today lists two accounts about the creation of people. Using the Bible follow the direction on page 2 of the leaflet with the title The man of dust. Find the listed facts from Genesis 1:26-31 and Genesis 2:5-7. Write them down on a piece of paper.

Here is what you should have found:

Words for Creator: God, U and I

Who was created:  Man (humans) male and female

When: Sixth day of creation

Where: On the ground

How: God created, Lord God formed man of dust from the ground,  breathed into his nostrils, the  breath of life and  man became a  living creature.

Supplies or patterns used:  God's image, after God's likeness, God’s own image,, male and female,  man formed of dust from the ground and breath of life.

Commands given: Be fruitful; multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, have dominion over fish, birds, and every other living thing that moves, eat plants for food.

Other key information:  Sixth day of creation, God said it was very good,  before God caused rain, a  mist came out of the ground  to water the ground.

After reviewing these details try to answer the questions under Dig Deeper on page 2 of the leaflet.

How are these accounts alike and different? Each provides different details of the same story. They complement each other. Chapter 2 also adds details.

What does it mean to be created in God's image? Although we typically think of image in terms of what we see, the Hebrew word for "image" is “tselem”, which refers to more than physical appearance.  Adam reflected God's character and virtues. He was God’s representative in the world and steward of the earth.

What characteristics and virtues of God do you think the first humans had? The first people reflected God's qualities, such as perfection, sinlessness, creativity, contentedness, and no fear of death since they ate from the tree of life. Most of all, God gave them the will and knowledge to please Him.

What did God's breath give them? Life, an eternal spirit. God fills each human body with a spirit, the breath of life, Body and spirit unite in one person.

With a mist coming from the ground, what did God use to form man? Mud. Wet dirt.

What evidence shows we are made from dust? After death, our bodies decay and return to dust (dirt).

 How was Adam's creation different from the rest of the world's? God spoke to create the world, but He personally formed Adam from mud. “Yatsar”, the Hebrew word for "formed" is related to the Hebrew word for "potter" someone who forms clay pots using wet clay.

Scripture uses different names of God to show God's different personal qualities or relationships. Genesis 1 uses “Elohim”, the plural noun for God, which means "the strong one." How does this name fit this account? Our powerful, awe-inspiring God created the universe. The plural noun shows evidence of the Trinity since all three persons of the Godhead were present.

 The doctrine of the Trinity is the major dividing line between Christians and

 non-Christians such as Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Muslims.

Jews reject the Trinity, just as they reject Jesus.  They use only the Old Testament books and believe there is only one person in God, not three. Jewish scholars say the plural noun Us here is being used in the same way royalty says "we" instead of "I”.  Christians agree that there is one God, but accept that Jesus is the Savior and that the Trinity explains who God is.

Genesis 2 uses "LORD God,' the Hebrew word “Yahweh”. God told Moses this personal name when He spoke from the burning bush. It means "l AM WHO IAM'" and indicates that God is eternal. It shows God's grace, mercy, and compassion in the covenant relationship with His people. Why use it here?  God's personal, intimate relationship with man began at creation and in the way He created people.

 On page 3 of the leaflet under The Woman from a Rib, read Genesis 2:8-25 and answer the questions.

Why did God put the man in the garden? To work and take care of the Garden. Work is a gift from God.

Why did God bring the animals to man? It wasn’t good for man to be alone. God wanted him to have a helper. He let the man name the animals.

When the man did not find a suitable helper, what did God do? He made woman.

How did God create woman? He put Adam to sleep, took a rib, and made her.  He made woman from the same stuff as Adam (dust) and in God's image.

How does this how the close relationship between man and woman? The first woman was made out of man, but since then, humans are knit together in the women’s womb and come out of them.

Luther says God established the household him when he created Eve. This act made Adam a husband and joined to him a wife who would be his complement.

 We Live

Our identity and image in the world varies. Think about the answer to these questions.

  • Carbon Copies: How might you lose your identity with friends? How can you share interests but avoid becoming copies of one another?
  • The People Watcher: Sometimes when we're trying to find out who we are, we look to other people. How can this be harmful? Helpful?
  • The Liar: Why might people lie about who they are?
  • The Adopted: How do families positively or negatively affect identities? How can you encourage family members to be themselves?
  • The Bullies: Why do you think bullies pick on other people? What can you do to stop bullying when you see it? How can you help bullies?
  • The Hopeless: How can envy or lack of success hurt our identity?

Many things affect how we see ourselves, our identity, and our image.  The image of God gave Adam and Eve the will and knowledge to please God. He did not force them to love Him. He gave them free will. They knew Him and loved Him willingly.

Read and answer the questions under Our real Identity and image on page 3 of the leaflet.

Do we still have the image of God? No, when sin came into the world we lost the image of God, "the will and intellect lost the ability to know and please God.

What identity did we inherit from Adam and Eve? We inherited identity as sinners. We received bodies of dust, inborn sin (original sin), sin-damaged souls, and an image of God spoiled by wickedness.

Sinners rebel against God and are His enemies (Romans 5:10). We cannot know or love God without the Spirit working through God's Word. This is how God created the world, and it is how He re-creates sinners.

How does God ever restore His image in people? Read Romans 8:26, 29 and Colossians 2:12-14. Yes, God is restoring Christians to the image of His Son, Jesus. In Baptism, we were buried and raised with Jesus through faith. He made us alive and forgave our sins, nailing them to the cross.

At Baptism, the Holy Spirit began working in us and continues using God's Word to help us in our weakness and to conform us to the image of His Son.  However, on this side of heaven, we will always fight our sinful nature and won't be fully remade into the image of Christ until we live with Him forever.

How can we live as God's people when we so easily sin and fail? See Philippians 2:13. We have a secret weapon. God works in us to help us know and do His will. This is what Adam and Eve had when they were created in God's image-knowledge of God and the will to please Him!

God's Word helps us know our identity as His created, baptized, redeemed, beloved children. Our purpose is to live for Him and represent Him in the world with joy and love.

 God works in us to know and do His will. We're not alone as we struggle to live as Christians. The Spirit works in us through God's Word and Sacraments.

Read about the The Garden of Eden on page 5 of the Bible Exploration Guide.


Review what you learned about image today.

Prayer: Dear God, be with us this week as consider our own image and identity and give us the courage and strength to be Your child in this sinful world.


Worship Times

Below is the calendar for our annual worship schedule.  Please check the specific monthly calendar for any special events or time changes...

  • Each Sunday ... 8:30am and 11:00am
  • Advent and Lent ... Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 PM
  • Thanksgiving Day ... 10:00am
  • Christmas Eve ... 7:30pm
  • Christmas Day ... 10:00am
  • New Year's Eve ... 7:00pm
  • Maundy Thursday ... 7:30pm
  • Good Friday ... 7:30pm
  • Easter Sunday ... 8:30am and 11:00am
  • Ascension ... 7:30pm

We observer the liturgical church year.  Prayer vigils are held on the first Sunday in Advent and the Saturdays before Easter and Pentecost ... 9:00am - 10:00am.  Special concerts and programs are also held throughout the church year.

Our Location

310 South Tremont Dr.
Greensboro, NC 27403
Phone: (336) 272-5321