NOTE: This is the last online lesson. Next week Sunday School resumes at church in the classrooms.

Lesson 12 – Jesus Ascends into Heaven

Jesus, our risen Savior, ascended to heaven to prepare a place for us there with him.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

History records the work of many great leaders who left their mark upon society. Some built countries; others tore them down.

What makes a great leader? Answers vary, but might include vision, integrity, ambition, passion, charisma, and intelligence. Now look at Jesus. Many would call Him a great leader.

How is Jesus like the leaders we named? The Bible chronicles His life. He influenced a great number of people in His time. He was misunderstood, liked by some, and disliked by many. He died.

What is different about Jesus? No other leader predicted and fulfilled his own resurrection, claimed to be divine and truly was, led a sinless life, gave his life to save the world for eternity, and ascended into heaven to reign.

This lesson explores the next step of Jesus' mission as our Savior.

Prayer: Jesus, open our minds to understand the Scriptures. Open our hearts to receive Your truth. In Your name we pray. Amen.

God Speaks

This lesson describes two accounts of Jesus' ascension. Luke, a physician and companion of Paul, wrote both accounts. Each offers different conversations Jesus had with His disciples.

Follow the directions on the Student Page at the end of the lesson.



Read Acts 1:1-11 and answer the questions.


What did Jesus do after His resurrection? Jesus appeared alive to His disciples with many proofs and spoke about the kingdom of God. How long did this happen? Forty days

Name proofs of Jesus' resurrection. He appeared many times to many different groups, including Mary, the other Mary, and the disciples. Thomas touched His wounded hands and side. Jesus ate fish in front of the disciples.

Why do you think Jesus talked about the kingdom of God (verse 3)? Jesus gave us the kingdom of God in His life, death, and resurrection, as He taught from the start (Mark 1:14-15) and spoke to His disciples.

Why did Jesus tell the disciples to stay in Jerusalem? He said to wait for the promised gift from the Father, the Holy Spirit, which He told them about. John baptized with water, but Jesus would baptize them with the Holy Spirit.

What question did the disciples ask (verse 6)? They asked if Jesus would now restore the kingdom to Israel, What does this say about their understanding of Jesus' work? Their heads were still in the wrong place, expecting the Messiah to deliver Israel from servitude to Rome. Even though they spent much time with Jesus, they still felt confused. We are the same.

How would Jesus change their misunderstanding (verse 8)? Read John 14:26 on the Student Page. The Holy Spirit would teach them and help them remember.

What would the Holy Spirit enable them to do? They would be Jesus' witnesses in Jerusalem, all of Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the world.

What happened to Jesus next? He was lifted up into a cloud, which covered Him.

What did the two men (angels) say? Why are you standing here, looking into heaven? Jesus, taken up into heaven, will return the same way.

List or visualize the disciples' misunderstandings and God's promises to them.

  • Misunderstandings: the Messiah's mission; why Jesus suffered, died and rose; what would happen next
  • God's promises: The promise of the Father coming soon; baptism with the Holy Spirit soon; power from the Holy Spirit: they would be Jesus' witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the world



Read Luke 24:44-53 and answer the questions.


These verses show some things Jesus taught His disciples in the forty days after His resurrection and before His ascension. What did Jesus repeat from previous teachings (verse 44)? Jesus fulfilled everything written about Him (the Messiah) in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and Psalms.

What assisted the disciples' understanding now? Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.

What do the Scriptures reveal about the Messiah? The Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead.

How does this make Jesus different from other great leaders? Jesus redemptive life and work was prophesied hundreds of years beforehand.

What would be proclaimed to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem? Repentance and forgiveness of sins in His name.

What role would the disciples have? They were witnesses to "these things”,  Jesus' redemptive work, repentance, and forgiveness of sins.

What did Jesus say He was sending to them? The promise of His Father (the Holy Spirit; Acts 1:4-5)

How long did Jesus say to stay in the city (Jerusalem)? Until they were clothed with power from on high (verse 49).

Jesus led the disciples to nearby Bethany. What happened when He lifted His hands to bless them? He was carried into heaven.

What did the disciples do then? They worshiped Christ and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. They continually blessed God in the temple.

Summarize Jesus' four teachings on your newsprint with words or images.

  • Christ fulfilled everything written in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms.
  • The Scriptures said the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead.
  • Repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
  • Jesus would send the Father's special gift (the Holy Spirit) to them.

So what did the disciples do while they waited for the Father's special gift of the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:53)? The disciples were continually in the temple blessing (worshiping) God.

Think about that. The temple is where the high priest, the council, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees hung out. These people plotted against Jesus and killed Him.

How do you think the disciples had courage to go there continually? The Holy Spirit gave them faith in Jesus (1 Corinthians 12:3). The Spirit was with them, but the Father would soon clothed them with power from on high (Luke 24:49) by giving them the Holy Spirit in a powerful way.

What promise did the two angels give the disciples (Acts 1:11)? Jesus will return the same way He left, from the sky.

From where did Jesus ascend? Read Acts 1:12 and Luke 24:50. Jesus ascended from Mount Olivet, near Jerusalem and Bethany, a town on the mountain road to Jerusalem. Gethsemane is also here.


We Live

What do we confess about Jesus' location in the Apostles' Creed? Ascended into heaven, He sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.

Continue with Now What? on the Student Page.

What does it mean when we say Jesus is seated at the right hand of God? Read 1 Peter 3:22 and Ephesians 4:10 on the Student Page. The right side is the favored side in Scripture, a special place. All authorities and powers are subjected to Christ. Jesus ascended above all heavens. But "God's right hand' is no set place in heaven....It is nothing other than God's almighty power, which fills heaven and earth .

What is Jesus doing there? Read Romans 8:34 on the Student Page. Christ intercedes for us. Jesus also represents us (1 John 2:1); stands in our place, covering us with His righteousness (Philippians 3:10); and hears and answers prayers (Luke 10:16).

Jesus continues His work for us and will return to give us a bodily resurrection and take us to live with Him forever. Until then, what are we supposed to do? Live for God; tell others about His grace and mercy in Christ; and live out our vocations.

Watch the video, “The Fishing Club" .

What problems did the Fishing Club have? The club was all talk and no action. They raised money, but they never did the intended action, fishing.

What would happen if our church was like the Fishing Club?  Essentially, God's work wouldn't get done because people would be too busy working on unimportant things.

Jesus gave the Church the Holy Spirit to empower us to share His Word and the Good News of His kingdom with our neighbors and world. May He give you courage and opportunities to witness for Him!


Prayer: Thank You, God, for fulfilling all of Your Scripture promises in Jesus. Help us to seek truth and forgiveness of sin in Christ, shown to us in Your Word and Sacraments. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Jesus Ascends