Lesson 10 – Jesus Appears to Thomas

We, like Thomas, doubt what we can’t see. Through His Spirit, God gives us eyes of faith that we might see Jesus in Word and Sacrament and believe in Him..


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

The disciples mourned the death of Jesus and did not expect His resurrection. Some believed He rose (e.g., Mary Magdalene, women, Emmaus disciples). Others did not yet understand (e.g., Peter and other disciple in John 20:8-9).

The religious leaders feared Jesus would rise, so they bribed the tomb guards to say Jesus' disciples stole His body (Matthew 28:1 1-15).

Watch the video, "This Man Called Jesus".

How did Jesus change everything forever? Jesus gave up the glories of heaven to come to earth as our Savior. He never sinned but died on the cross to pay for the sins of the world. He rose from the dead, victorious over sin, death, and the devil. He gives all who believe in Him forgiveness of sins and new life, now and forever!

Prayer: Lord God, build up the Body of Christ. Give us unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God so that we are no longer children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, human cunning, and deceitful schemes. Instead, let us speak the truth in love and grow up in every way into Christ, our head. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen

God Speaks

When the two men who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus returned to Jerusalem, they found the disciples and told them what happened. The disciples reported that Jesus had appeared to Simon Peter. This lesson starts as they discussed these things.

Following the directions on the Student Page at the end of this lesson.

Read the John 20 and answer the questions.

The disciples did not believe Mary or the other women when they said Jesus had risen (Luke 24:10-11). The evening of Jesus' resurrection, what were the disciples doing? Together in a locked room, they feared the Jews, those who had condemned and crucified their teacher and leader, Jesus.

Jesus stood among them. What did He say and do? Why? He said, "Peace be with you”, a phrase to reassure and calm them. He showed them the wounds in His hands and side, the physical proof of His death.

How did the disciples respond? They felt glad.

What three assurances of Jesus show He still needed them? (1) As the Father sent Jesus, He sent them. They still had work to do. (2) He breathed on them to give them the Holy Spirit. (3) He gave them authority to forgive or retain sins.

Draw or write a summary on the upper half of your newsprint showing (1) who was there, (2) what Jesus did,  (3) how the disciples responded, and (4) what Jesus said. (1) The disciples were present. (2) Jesus stood among them, showed His hands and side, and breathed on them. (3) The disciples felt glad. (4) Peace (twice). As the Father sent Me, I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit. You have authority to forgive or retain sins.

Read Luke 24:36-42.


The disciples who met Jesus on the Emmaus road were in the room (verses 33-36). Add them to your summary.

How did the disciples react when Jesus entered? Add new information to your summary. They were startled and frightened. They thought Jesus was a spirit (ghost). Jesus' words tell us they doubted and felt troubled.

Add to your summary new information about how Jesus showed He physically rose. Jesus showed His feet too. He encouraged them to touch Him, to see His flesh and blood. Jesus ate a piece of fish. He had a physical body and was not just a spirit.

Read John 20:24-31.

How did Thomas respond when the other disciples told him they saw the Lord? Thomas said he would never believe unless he saw and touched Christ's nail marks and side. He asked to see the proofs the others already saw, not just to hear about them.

Jesus appeared to the disciples again eight days later. What words show He knew what Thomas said and needed? He told Thomas to touch His wounds and believe.

How did Thomas respond? He called Jesus his Lord and God. Thomas realized Jesus' resurrection showed He was more than a teacher.

Whom did Jesus say were blessed? Those who have not seen the risen Christ, but believe-in other words, us. The Holy Spirit works through God's Word and Sacraments to give us faith to believe in our risen Lord and God.

Why did John write this Gospel? "So that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and... have life in His name" (verse 31).

Draw or write a summary on the lower half of your newsprint showing (1) who was there, (2) Jesus' words and actions, and (3) Thomas's reaction. (1) Jesus' disciples, including Thomas, were present. (2) Jesus told Thomas to touch His hands and side, to believe, not disbelieve. He said Thomas believed because he saw Him. Those who have not seen but believe are blessed. (3) Thomas called Jesus Lord and God; he believed Jesus rose from the dead.


We Live

What evidence shows that Jesus really rose from the dead?

  • The New Testament eyewitness accounts show Jesus' resurrection from different viewpoints. The early Christians didn't coordinate efforts and provide the exact same information. This testifies to their veracity.
  • Many saw the risen Christ, including large groups and even five hundred people at once (1 Corinthians 15:6).
  • Jesus' followers honestly showed themselves acting cowardly, foolishly, disbelieving, and self-serving in New Testament books. Most people try to look better and qualify their actions. Jesus' disciples told the truth about themselves and about Jesus, knowing Christ forgave them.
  • All but one of Jesus' apostles and hundreds of other disciples died rather than denounce their faith in Him. No one dies for a lie.
  • The risen Christ converted His enemy Saul, who persecuted Christians, and turned Him into a fervent apostle (Acts 9:1-22) who suffered much because of his faith and work for Christ (2 Corinthians 11:23-27). Paul died because of his faith in Christ too.
  • Two first-century Roman (pagan) historians mention Jesus. Josephus called Jesus the Messiah and said He was "restored to life" Tacitus wrote about Jesus and His followers. These accounts by nonbelievers prove Jesus was a real person.
  • Jesus repeatedly told His disciples in advance that He would suffer, die, and rise from the dead in Jerusalem (Mark 8:31;9:9, 31; 10:34), as He did.
  • Even Jesus' enemies knew He said He would rise in three days (Matthew 27:63). They set guards at His tomb to keep His disciples from stealing His body, and then they bribed the guards to lie (Matthew 28:11-15).
  • Someone stealing Jesus' body would leave grave clothes on it, not leave them in the tomb, where they were discovered (John 20:5-7; Luke 24:12).
  • Archaeology has never disproved any part of the Bible. Many discoveries provide additional insight into the Early Church, such as a Capernaum synagogue, a house thought to belong to Peter in Capernaum, and the Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem (where Jesus restored the blind man's sight in John 9). For more about archaeology, see biblicalarchaeology.org.

The Holy Spirit works faith in us as we see Jesus in His Word, in the waters of Baptism, and in Holy Communion.


Read John 20:30-31.

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.

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