Lesson 5 – Peter Denies Jesus

Though we, like Peter, deny Jesus and His gifts, Jesus does not deny us because we belong to Him as baptized members of His Body, the Church. Instead He forgives us and welcomes us back. 


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Jesus, our Savior, open our ears so we can hear Your Word. Fill our hearts with faith in You, the risen one. In Your name we pray. Amen.

God Speaks

This lesson is about events took place the night of Jesus' arrest.

Using the Student Page at the end of the lesson, read the Mark 14 and answer all the questions.

SECTION ONE: Mark 14:26-42


After eating the Passover meal that evening, Jesus led His disciples to the Mount of Olives. What two predictions did Jesus make? All of them would fall away. After He was raised up, Jesus would meet them in Galilee.

Jesus quoted Zechariah's prophecy about shepherd and sheep to prepare the disciples. How did Peter respond? "Even if the others fall away, I won't".

What did Jesus say Peter would do? Deny Him three times.

What context does the crowing rooster give? Roosters crow at dawn; Peter would deny Jesus three times before morning.

How did Peter and all the other disciples respond to Jesus' predictions? They all said they would die with Jesus before denying Him. They ignored or didn't understand His promise of meeting in Galilee after He was raised up.

What did Jesus tell Peter, James, and John when He took them further into the garden to pray? Jesus said His soul was very sorrowful, even to death. He told them to stay and watch. Later, He said they should also pray.

Why do you think Jesus felt such deep sadness? Jesus felt extremely sad as He faced the suffering and death He knew lay ahead. In these actions, Jesus took the sin of the world on Himself and faced death to give us life.

Jews usually stood when they prayed. Why do you think Jesus fell on the ground instead? This posture shows great pleading, grief, and submission.

What did Jesus pray? He said all things were possible for His Father and asked God to "remove this cup”, yet also for the Father's will to be done. The Bible doesn't say why He asked this-simply that He asked God to reconsider.

How many times did Jesus find Peter, James, and John asleep? Three times

What did He say each time? Jesus said to watch and pray so they wouldn't be tempted. He said the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. He said the hour had come so they should get up because His betrayer was near.

SECTION TWO: Mark 14:43-65

Which disciple betrayed Jesus with a kiss? Judas

Which conspirators came with him? A crowd with swords and clubs sent by the chief priests, scribes, and elders

Someone cut off the ear of the high priest's servant while trying to defend Jesus. John 18:10 says this was Peter. Luke 22:51 says Jesus stopped these actions and healed the man's ear. What does Jesus' action for the servant show? Jesus even loves His enemies.

Why did Jesus submit to arrest? These actions and the ones to come would "let the Scriptures be fulfilled" (verse 49). He submitted to His Father's will (verse 36).

Which disciples betrayed Jesus? All the disciples left Jesus, including a young man so desperate to get away that he left his clothes behind. Some scholars think he was John Mark, the author of the Gospel of Mark.

From a distance, Peter and another disciple followed the crowd and Jesus to the high priest's house. Where did Peter sit? With whom? l In the courtyard with the guards around the fire.

The priests and council tried to find two witnesses with the same testimony against Jesus, as the Law required, but they could not. What did the high priest finally ask Jesus directly? "Are you the Christ, the on of the Blessed?" (verse 61).

Blasphemy is insulting God and showing a lack of reverence. Do you think Jesus committed blasphemy when He answered by using God's name, "l am" (Exodus 3:14:"1 AM WHO I AM"), and claimed to be the Messiah by referring to a familiar messianic Scripture (Daniel 7:13-14)? No, because He is true God and the Messiah. However, the religious leaders who did not believe in Him as the Messiah considered this blasphemy.

Blasphemy was punishable by death. What did the council decide to do with Jesus? Called Him guilty of blasphemy, condemned Him to death.

What else did they do to Jesus? They spit on Jesus, covered His face, hit Him, and mocked Him. When the guards took Him, they beat Him as well.



Read Mark14:66-72

The conspirators and betrayers included all the disciples, specifically Peter, James, John, and Judas; soldiers; religious leaders (council); and the high priest.

The events of Jesus' arrest and passion fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. Betrayal was one of those.

Who asked Peter if he followed or knew Jesus? A servant girl, bystanders.

How many times did Peter deny knowing Jesus? Three

What happened after Peter's last denial? The rooster crowed the second time. It was morning. Just as Jesus said, Peter denied Him three times.

Why do you think Peter denied his Lord? What do you think he feared? Peter's fear took over. He feared he would also be arrested and die. He desired to save his own life, especially when surrounded by Jesus' enemies.

 How did Peter respond? He broke down and wept.


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Watch the video, "Skit Guys - Good Friday" .

What can we learn from the disciples' betrayals? All the disciples planned to remain faithful, and Peter thought he was stronger and better than others. We might think the same, but we, too, fail to watch and pray, become afraid, and allow fear and doubt to overcome us.

So, what about us? Have we betrayed Jesus too? Yes, our sins sent Jesus to the cross. We are born in sin and cannot help ourselves. Jesus paid the price for all sin on the cross.

Jesus forgave Peter and all other betrayers. From the cross He said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).

Read 1 Peter 2:22-25 on the Student Page.

Which phrases from these verses tell what Jesus did for betrayers, conspirators, and sinners? Jesus never sinned and fulfilled the Law. He did not resist suffering, but trusted His heavenly Father. He took our sins in His body to the cross. His wounds heal us. Jesus brings back straying sheep.

Why did Jesus die on the cross? The Sinless One bore our sins on the cross so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness. Christ gives forgiveness of sins and salvation to every sinner who believes in Him.

Verse 25 reverses Zechariah's words that Jesus quoted to warn His disciples about striking the shepherd and scattering the sheep.

Through Baptism, Holy Communion, and His Word, Jesus, our Good Shepherd, brings us straying, betraying sheep back home to Him.


When we think about our sins, we need to ask God to use His Word to show us sin and prompt us to repent so Christ can forgive and renew you.

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for being faithful, even when we are not. Call Your people by Your Word to return to You and receive Your grace and forgiveness. In Your name we pray. Amen.

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